
Mood Boards and Inspiration

Inspiration can come from anywhere, an image on social media, a beautiful sunrise, a scene on a street. When the time comes to photograph it, you need to communicate your inspiration to others. A mood board is a great way to capture the mood or feeling of a shoot, or a particular image. The Mood […]


Should My Images Look the Same?

After a photoshoot, the editing starts. This can be a simple process, or as complex as desired. As part of this editing, the overall look and feel of an image is determined. This includes the colour pallet – basically the dominant colours used in an image. If you think about a great movie, all the […]


Tell a Story

Images that tell a story are more interesting than pretty pictures. When we are selecting an image to post, composing an image to make a photograph, or designing a makeup look, thinking about story is a sound idea. The importance of story can be seen in Instagram captions – people are telling us the story […]


Image Editing Tips

Better Images Guaranteed There are millions of books, videos, and training services promising to make you better at making images. Most of them are inspirational – they are designed to make you feel like you can be a success. I call these materials entertainment, because they are filling an emotional need rather addressing a technical […]


How Do You Select Your Images and Why?

Advice for all sorts of creatives There is No Such Thing as a Good Photograph If We think a photograph is beautiful, we are wrong. Everything we see is viewed in context. One person’s beautiful flower, is a farmer’s weed. The context sets the parameters by which people judge things; and every image we select […]


Why Monochrome?

Monochrome just means one colour. The term is often used with black and white, but it also includes other single-colour photography techniques, like sepia, and cyanotype. I’ve even seen red and gold used beautifully. Colour and monochrome have very different presentation. The beauty, and challenge, of monochrome photography is to use the absence of colour […]